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Developmental and Other Disability

  • This guide covers both disability and disease, which are separate but related concepts and often share language complexities and impacts on interaction with environment to describe these varying identities. 
  • Disability is “a broad term that is defined in both legal and scientific ways and encompasses physical, psychological, intellectual, and socioemotional impairments” (APA, 2020, p. 136).
  • Disability communities and individual people with disabilities have differing preferences on the notions of person-first and identity-first language. Person-first language emphasizes the person before the disability, as in “a woman with a substance abuse disorder,” and identity-first language centers the disability, as in “a substance abuser.” Preference in writing is usually given to person-first language, but “expressed preference of people with disabilities regarding identification supersedes matters of style” (APA, 2020, p. 136). 
  • Any list of cultural identities, including cultures of disability, will not be comprehensive and will be ever-evolving. Writers should also consider consulting with professional organizations if applicable.
  • Precision and clarity are key values in bias-free language; note that this is specifically called out in some terms.
  • In addition to consulting this resource, writers should also consult with the communities they are describing. When the two are in conflict, defer to the preference of the community over this guide and defer to the preference of the individual above both the guide and the community.


Current, culturally sensitive term(s) when writing about members of the community: people with AIDS 

NOTE ABOUT THE IMPORTANCE OF PRECISION: HIV is the virus that can lead to AIDS. The two terms are not interchangeable. AIDS is the broad term used to designate the constellation of symptoms experienced from the diagnosis of HIV.

Related search terms: HIV

Inaccurate, outdated, or pejorative terms: AIDS victims

Date of last revision: November 30, 2022


Current, culturally sensitive term(s) when writing about members of the community: people with alcohol use disorder (person-first language) 

Related search terms: alcohol abuse, alcohol dependence

Inaccurate, outdated, or pejorative terms: alcoholics, drunks

Date of last revision: September 2, 2021

Alzheimer’s disease

Current, culturally sensitive term(s) when writing about members of the community: people with Alzheimer’s disease (people-first language) 

Related search terms: dementia

Inaccurate, outdated, or pejorative terms: people with senility, old timer’s disease, senile

Date of last revision: November 30, 2022


Current, culturally sensitive term(s) when writing about members of the community: people with amnesia (people-first language) 

Related search terms: memory disorder

Inaccurate, outdated, or pejorative terms: amnesiacs

Date of last revision: November 30, 2022


Current, culturally sensitive term(s) when writing about members of the community: amputee (identity-first language) or people with amputations (person-first language)

Related search terms: n/a

Inaccurate, outdated, or pejorative terms: cripple, one-legged

Date of last revision: November 30, 2022


Current, culturally sensitive term(s) when writing about members of the community: autistic people (identity-first language) or people with autism (person-first language), or people on the autism spectrum 

Related search terms: Asperger/Asperger’s syndrome, Autism Spectrum Disorders, neurodivergent

Inaccurate, outdated, or pejorative terms: unknown

Date of last revision: November 30, 2022


Current, culturally sensitive term(s) when writing about members of the community: blind people (identity-first language) or people who are blind (person-first language) 

Related search terms: visual impairment

Inaccurate, outdated, or pejorative terms: unknown

Date of last revision: November 30, 2022

Brain Injury

Current, culturally sensitive term(s) when writing about members of the community: people with a traumatic or acquired brain injury (person-first language) 

Related search terms: acquired brain disorder, TBI

Inaccurate, outdated, or pejorative terms: brain-damaged people, imbecile

Date of last revision: November 30, 2022


Current, culturally sensitive term(s) when writing about members of the community: Deaf people (identity-first language), people with hearing loss (person-first language), people who are deaf (person-first language), people who are hard of hearing (person-first language), people who are hearing impaired (person-first language). 

Related search terms: hearing impaired

Inaccurate, outdated, or pejorative terms: unknown

Date of last revision: November 30, 2022


Current, culturally sensitive term(s) when writing about members of the community: people with dementia (person-first language). 

Related search terms: Alzheimer disease, cognitive impairment, neurocognitive disorder

Inaccurate, outdated, or pejorative terms: senile people, people with senility

Date of last revision: November 30, 2022

Developmental Disability

Current, culturally sensitive term(s) when writing about members of the community: people with developmental disabilities (person-first language),

NOTE ABOUT THE IMPORTANCE OF PRECISION: When writing about developmental disability, be clear about which developmental disability you are referring to whenever possible. These are usually classified in 4 areas: impairment in physical, learning, language, or behavior areas

Related search terms: n/a

Inaccurate, outdated, or pejorative terms: developmentally disabled, people with special needs

Date of last revision: November 30, 2022

Drug Use

See also Substance Use.

Current, culturally sensitive term(s) when writing about members of the community: people who use drugs (person-first language) 

NOTE ABOUT THE IMPORTANCE OF PRECISION: Outcomes of drug and other substance use will vary widely depending on the drug and the user. When writing about drug use, specificity about the conditions around the use will be important. Note also the difference between “drug user” and “drug abuser.”

Related search terms: drug users, polypharmacy

Inaccurate, outdated, or pejorative terms: drug users, drug addicts

Date of last revision: November 30, 2022


Current, culturally sensitive term(s) when writing about members of the community: people with dysgraphia (person-first language). 

Related search terms: learning disability

Inaccurate, outdated, or pejorative terms: unknown

Date of last revision: November 30, 2022


Current, culturally sensitive term(s) when writing about members of the community: people with epilepsy (person-first language). 

Related search terms: seizures

Inaccurate, outdated, or pejorative terms: epileptic (as noun), spastic

Date of last revision: November 30, 2022

Hearing Loss

Current, culturally sensitive term(s) when writing about members of the community: Deaf people (identity-first language), people with hearing loss (person-first language), people who are deaf (person-first language), people who are hard of hearing (person-first language), people who are hearing impaired (person-first language). 

NOTE ABOUT THE IMPORTANCE OF PRECISION: There are four levels of hearing loss; not all should be referred to as “deaf.”

Related search terms: deaf

Inaccurate, outdated, or pejorative terms: unknown

Date of last revision: November 30, 2022


Intellectual Disability

Current, culturally sensitive term(s) when writing about members of the community: people with intellectual disabilities (person-first language). 

NOTE ABOUT THE IMPORTANCE OF PRECISION: When writing about intellectual disabilities, be clear about which disability you are referring to whenever possible.

Related search terms: cognitive disability

Inaccurate, outdated, or pejorative terms: the mentally retarded, mentally retarded people, people with special needs, idiot

Date of last revision: November 30, 2022

Learning Disability

Current, culturally sensitive term(s) when writing about members of the community: people with learning disabilities (person-first language) 

NOTE ABOUT THE IMPORTANCE OF PRECISION: When writing about learning disabilities, be clear about which disability you are referring to whenever possible.

Related search terms: intellectual disability

Inaccurate, outdated, or pejorative terms: the learning disabled, retarded, slow

Date of last revision: November 30, 2022

Mental Illness

Current, culturally sensitive term(s) when writing about members of the community: people with mental illness (person-first language). 

NOTE ABOUT THE IMPORTANCE OF PRECISION: When writing about mental illness, be clear about which mental illness you are referring to whenever possible.

Related search terms: behavioral disorder, mood disorder, anxiety, personality, and psychotic disorder

Inaccurate, outdated, or pejorative terms: nuts, crazy

Date of last revision: November 30, 2022



Current, culturally sensitive term(s) when writing about members of the community: people with paraplegia (person-first language). 

Related search terms: paraplegics, paralysis

Inaccurate, outdated, or pejorative terms: paraplegics

Date of last revision: November 30, 2022

Physical Disability

Current, culturally sensitive term(s) when writing about members of the community: people with a physical disability (person-first language). 

NOTE ABOUT THE IMPORTANCE OF PRECISION: When writing about physical disabilities, be clear about which disability you are referring to whenever possible.

Related search terms: physical impairment

Inaccurate, outdated, or pejorative terms: cripples, invalids, physically challenged people, birth defect, handicapped, disabled

Date of last revision: November 30, 2022


Current, culturally sensitive term(s) when writing about members of the community: people with schizophrenia (person-first language). 

Related search terms: schizophrenics

Inaccurate, outdated, or pejorative terms: schizophrenics, psycho

Date of last revision: November 30, 2022

Special Needs

Pejorative. See Intellectual Disability.  

Spinal Cord Injuries

Current, culturally sensitive term(s) when writing about members of the community: people with spinal cord injuries (person-first language). 

Related search terms: paralyzed, paraplegia, quadriplegia

Inaccurate, outdated, or pejorative terms: crippled

Date of last revision: November 30, 2022

Substance Use

See also Drug Use.

Current, culturally sensitive term(s) when writing about members of the community: people with substance use disorders (person-first language) 

NOTE ABOUT THE IMPORTANCE OF PRECISION: Outcomes of drug and other substance use will vary widely depending on the drug and the user. When writing about drug use, specificity about the conditions around the use will be important.

Related search terms: substance abuse, addiction

Inaccurate, outdated, or pejorative terms: substance abusers, addicts

Date of last revision: November 30, 2022

Traumatic Brain Injury

Current, culturally sensitive term(s) when writing about members of the community: people with a traumatic brain injury (person-first language). 

Related search terms: head injury, brain injury, concussion

Inaccurate, outdated, or pejorative terms: brain-damaged people, mentally deficient

Date of last revision: November 30, 2022

Wheelchair User

Current, culturally sensitive term(s) when writing about members of the community: wheelchair user (identity-first language). 

Related search terms: non-ambulatory, mobility disability

Inaccurate, outdated, or pejorative terms: people who are wheelchair bound, people who are confined to a wheelchair, handicapped

Date of last revision: November 30, 2022