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CPSY Courses:
CPSY 8245 - Interpersonal Psychotherapy

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(5 credits)

Students in this course will acquire and demonstrate skills essential to the practice of the interpersonal psychotherapy approach to treatment. Students will integrate historical and current views of relational theory and its relationship to the interpersonal psychotherapy approach and how this information impacts clinical practice and focus when attempting to decrease or eliminate symptoms and solve problems in a client's experience. In addition, students will synthesize research regarding interpersonal psychotherapy and its effectiveness in treatment regarding various disorders and maladaptive behavioral patterns as well as its effectiveness and/or limitations when working with diverse populations. Students will have the opportunity to demonstrate clinical interviewing skills, interpersonal psychotherapy treatment approach skills, case conceptualization skills from the interpersonal psychotherapy approach, and receive feedback from faculty and peers. Ethical considerations specific to the practice of the interpersonal psychotherapy approach are discussed.


  • CPSY 8002L
  • CPSY 8781