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DPSY Courses:
DPSY 8307 - Multivariate Analysis

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(5 credits)

Univariate analyses, such as the t test, ANOVA and ANCOVA, chi square, correlation, multiple linear regression, and multiple binary logistic regression, are limited to the analysis of a single dependent variable and yield a single statistical solution. Students in this course in multivariate analysis are introduced to procedures to simultaneously analyze multiple independent and multiple dependent variables that yield more than one statistical solution. Covered in this course are several of the most common multivariate and data mining procedures, including MANOVA, discriminant analyses, factor analysis, canonical correlation, and cluster analysis. Students examine appropriate conditions for the use of each procedure and demonstrate understanding in applied discussion assignments, application assignments using IBM SPSS, and journal quality report of results.


  • PSYC 6304 or PSYC 8305