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1 credit

Field experiences provide education professionals with authentic opportunities to apply learning as well as to expand understanding and ability. Building knowledge, skills, and dispositions for field experiences, education professionals also participate in two residencies in which they have the opportunity to meet face-to-face with faculty members to learn and hone skills, develop dispositions, and discuss ways to ensure productive and successful field experiences and meet the demands of the profession they are studying. The program requires a minimum of 320 hours or 40 eight-hour days (across 12 consecutive months) in elementary school, middle or junior high school, and high school settings as an administrative aide to a licensed and practicing school principal. Field experience must include at least 40 hours or 1 week at each level that is not a part of education professionals' primary teaching experience.


  • EDSP 7204 (may be concurrent)
  • EDSP 7803 (may be concurrent)