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EDUC-2 Courses:
EDUC 6735 - Habits of Mind: Thinking Skills to Promote Self-Directed Learning (Accelerating)

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3 semester credits

Education professionals in this course are helped to develop skills and strategies to prepare students for living and learning productively in today's society. They complete a variety of assignments designed to provide practical application of course content, such as designing a lesson in which they integrate habits of mind with other instructional elements to achieve multiple outcomes. They also create a rubric that allows students to demonstrate learning in each area of the lesson. Additionally, they reflect on the theories, concepts, and strategies learned in the course and consider the influence of new knowledge on future personal and professional endeavors. Through this course, education professionals learn how to help students manage, motivate, and modify their own learning as a continuing lifelong process.

Note: This course is offered in an accelerating format.