- << Previous: IPSY 8730 - The Development of Human Capital Within Organizations
- Next: IPSY 8750 - Human Resource Management and Its Role in Labor Relations, Negotiation, and Conflict Resolution >>
(4 credits)
Considering global-level expansion, issues of diversity, and traditional ethical issues, nearly all organizations must follow a host of laws and regulations; it is the responsibility of managers to know these guidelines for the welfare of employees and stability of the company. Students in this course explore advanced research topics that address the legal, ethical, and cultural environment, both internal to organizations and more broadly. They engage in group activities, discussions, and writing assignments on the analysis of the regulatory environment in which human resource (HR) professionals must operate, HR management's role in communications, management of diversity and inclusion, and promotion of justice within organizations. Through extensive reading and literature review, students engage actively in identifying potential research topics for their dissertation and explore the global and ethical dimensions pertaining to course subject matter.