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NURS Courses:
NURS 4015 - Public and Global Health

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(5 credits)

Through this course, students widen their perspectives of promoting health and preventing disease as they examine health issues that transcend national borders, class, race, ethnicity, and culture. Students discuss the role of the nurse in preserving and promoting health among diverse populations as well as their role in illness prevention and health promotion, protection, and maintenance of targeted populations. They also explore principles of epidemiology and the influencing sociopolitical factors that impact health and well-being of humankind. Students engage in assignments designed to provide practical application of content on topical issues, such as infant mortality rates in the United States and abroad, infectious or communicable disease, implications of global climate change on health, among others. Finally, students consider and reflect on the nurse's role as a leader in transforming the future of the world's health.


  • NURS 4010