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PPPA Courses:
PPPA 8115 - Writing a Quality Prospectus

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(5 credits)

Students in this course acquaint themselves with the format and requirements of the PhD Prospectus Form and begin working on the components of their prospectus. The Prospectus Form is a formal document and is the first step in completing a dissertation. The prospectus articulates the initial plan for a proposed study and is intended to provide the dissertation committee with enough information to determine the viability of the study.

The emphasis in this class is on the iterative development and alignment of all elements of the prospectus. Students explore the research literature related to their topic to distinguish between a social problem and a research problem and to identify a gap in the research literature; describe the specific research problem the proposed study will address and why it is appropriate for a dissertation; formulate a clear research question(s); and identify a study methodology and theoretical framework to ground the study.

The draft Prospectus Form students produce in this course should not be considered a final product that is ready for approval. Once registered for PPPA 9000 - Dissertation Research, students work with their chair and committee member to refine and finalize the Prospectus Form.


  • RSCH 8210P

Note: In addition to the prerequisites for this class, it is expected that students will have assembled and have available a list of peer-reviewed articles relevant to their potential research topic as part of their previous academic studies. Students will add to this collection as this course and all future dissertation work proceeds.