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BWLB 4900 - Social Work Skills Lab

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(1 credits)

The Social Work Skills Lab is a 1-credit, 6-week hybrid class that includes 3 weeks of online content, followed by a 4-day synchronous residential component, and then closes with 2 weeks of online content. Students in the Social Work Skills Lab I reinforce the content covered in the Social Work courses with an emphasis on skills development and advanced topics in diversity and inclusion, evidence-based practice, ethics, and development of the professional self. Material covered includes practice labs focused on individual engagement and assessment, group development and leadership, and an understanding of how to advocate within organizations and communities. A key component of the skills lab is to prepare and assess students for their readiness to enter the field.


  • SOCW 2001
  • SOCW 2002
  • SOCW 3001
  • SOCW 3002
  • SOCW 3003
  • SOCW 3004
  • SOCW 4001
  • SOCW 4002
  • SOCW 4003
  • SOCW 4004
  • SOCW 4005

Note: This course contains a required 4-day face-to-face experience and will bill with an additional lab fee.