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DDHA Courses:
DDHA 8750 - Trends and Issues in Executive Level Management for Healthcare Administrators

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(5 credits)

Healthcare administrators, more than ever before, are facing challenges and opportunities, given the dynamic nature of the healthcare industry. In this seminar-style course, students address how executive-level managers leading complex health systems can use strategic planning, risk management, and innovative business practices to take advantage of healthcare trends, as well as the current social and economic forces that guide strategic planning of healthcare systems. Students explore ways to improve Board of Director relationships, address financial challenges, and implement healthcare reform measures. As a result of this course, healthcare leaders are better able to visualize and address the quickly changing landscape of healthcare delivery per the guidelines outlined in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010. Students also have the opportunity to address the cultural issues that are present in the healthcare environment.

Doctor of Healthcare Administration (DHA): Students who started before August 31, 2021


  • RESI 8601

Doctor of Healthcare Administration (DHA): Students who started August 31, 2021, and later


  • RESI 8601
  • DDHA 8203
  • RSCH 8110
  • DDHA 9003