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DITC Courses:
DITC 8255 - Cyber Crime Prevention and Protection

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5 credits

Combatting cybercrime requires a deep understanding of the mechanisms and techniques that can be used to prevent or at least mitigate against it. In this course students consider the motivations for cybercrime and have the opportunity to develop a comprehensive understanding of the tools that can be used to prevent it, including the deployment of cybercrime prevention strategies. Students build an "ethical hacking" environment with which they can experiment. In addition, the course is directed at providing students with hands-on knowledge of cybercrime prevention for application in the workplace.

*Students may take this as a non-degree course, which means they do not have to be enrolled in a program. Contact an enrollment specialist [1-866-492-5336 (U.S.);1-443-627-7222 (toll)] for more information or visit School of Lifelong Learning for more information.