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EDUC-4 Courses:
EDUC 8851 - Global Perspectives on Development and Learning

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(6 semester credits)

Why is the well-being of young children vital to learning and later success in life? Research continues to indicate that early influences are critical to the development of children’s brains and lifelong health. Scientific evidence also indicates that there is intrinsic value for young children in experiencing the joy and discovery of childhood. Such experiences not only generate later positive outcomes to society, but they also contribute to viewing life with optimism, learning social skills, and coping with stress. In this course, early childhood professionals study current national and international thinking with regard to early childhood development. Course content also includes global perspectives related to designing, implementing, and evaluating experiences for every child. Special attention is paid to brain research, factors that promote and impede development and learning, and effective assessment of development, learning, and teaching/programmatic practices.