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PBHL Courses:
PBHL 8320 - Development in an Era of Global Crisis

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(5 credits)

This course will review how recent international issues such as terrorism, civil war, mass migration, and refugee crises influence development and the lives of human beings throughout the lifespan. It will examine how extreme life stressors such as exposure to disaster, war, terrorism, displacement, genocide, instability, loss of family, and death influence health (e.g., sanitation, diseases, reproductive issues) and mental health issues (e.g., trauma, anxiety, depression, adjustment difficulties, debilitating mental illnesses). The course also explores psychosocial well-being and development of infants, children, young adults, adults, and older adults within their specific contextual and cultural background. Students will investigate psychosocial support and approaches developed for health and mental health promotion of the affected individuals and how these psychosocial supports and approaches impact positive social change.