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EDUC Courses:
EDUC 2012 - Understanding and Valuing Creativity

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(5 credits)

Innovating and risk taking, critical thinking and problem-solving, and communicating and collaborating—all of these are essential skills for the 21st century, and all are intrinsically linked to creativity. Education professionals in this course explore the abundant meanings, value, and applications of creativity as they pertain to learning and life. They consider how encouraging and celebrating creativity in themselves, their colleagues, and today's learners can benefit society. They achieve understanding through an integrative, collaborative wiki project through which they develop a definition of creativity based on theories and philosophical viewpoints, determine how creativity develops throughout the lifespan, describe how to foster creativity in others, and develop creative techniques to solve problems and promote critical thinking.

*Students may take this as a non-degree course, which means they do not have to be enrolled in a program. Contact an enrollment specialist [1-866-492-5336 (U.S.);1-443-627-7222 (toll)] for more information or visit School of Lifelong Learning for more information.