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EDUC Courses:
EDUC 3054 - Literacy K-6: Instruction and Assessment

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(5 credits)

Reading, listening, speaking, and writing are skills essential to success in school and in life. In this course, teacher candidates can examine a wide range of effective instructional and assessment practices that support the development of reading, oral language, and written communication for K-6 students. Teacher candidates use research-based approaches to literacy instruction while implementing a variety of assessment tools to identify students' difficulties. Teacher candidates use assessment data to create engaging literacy learning experiences at diverse developmental levels. Topics include the incorporation of technology to support and enrich literacy learning, family involvement, and integrating literacy and learning into the content areas This course requires a 15-hour field experience at a school approved by Walden University.


  • EDUC 2400
  • EDUC 2401
  • EDUC 2402
  • EDUC 3052