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EDUC Courses:
EDUC 3008 - Diversity in Education

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(5 credits)

People have different backgrounds, perspectives, and values; similarly, they have different approaches to learning. Individuals who work in educational environments and serve as agents of social change must recognize and honor these differences. Education professionals in this course examine how the need to serve people of differing social groups, cultures, and abilities offers challenges and opportunities in today's learning environments. They reflect on their attitudes, beliefs, and biases regarding diversity and learn approaches to help ensure equitable access and meaningful learning in a variety of educational settings.

*Students may take this as a non-degree course, which means they do not have to be enrolled in a program. Contact an enrollment specialist [1-866-492-5336 (U.S.);1-443-627-7222 (toll)] for more information or visit School of Lifelong Learning for more information.