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(5 credits)
In this course, teacher candidates explore strategies for integrating technology across content areas in order to plan units and lessons that support developmental and curricular goals for elementary students. Candidates create learning experiences that promote student motivation and engagement; support exploration, problem solving, and critical thinking; provide opportunities for collaborative and self-directed learning; and foster content area literacy. Candidates explore a wide variety of technology resources, infusing them in instructional planning to help students learn content and become proficient in the use of technology. Candidates examine effective teaching practices, including formative/authentic assessments and scaffolding techniques to support diverse learners. This course requires a 15-hour field experience at a school approved by Walden University.
- EDUC 2400
- EDUC 2401
- EDUC 2402
- EDUC 3052
- EDUC 3053
- EDUC 3054