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EDUC-1 Courses:
EDUC 6062 - Literacy Instruction and Assessment*

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(5 credits)

This course equips teacher-candidates with essential knowledge and skills in fostering literacy development among diverse student populations. Through evidence-based instructional strategies, candidates practice developing engaging learning experiences tailored to students’ individual strengths and needs. Emphasis is placed on the 5 Pillars of Reading - fluency, phonemic awareness, phonics, reading comprehension, and vocabulary development. Topics include culturally and linguistically responsive teaching methods, collaborating with professionals, differentiation strategies, and techniques for fostering oral and written language development. Special attention is given to cultivating a love or reading through immersive and inclusive environments. Teacher candidates are involved in exploring the latest research in literacy instruction, practice, and assessment and examining its implications for effective teaching practices. Case studies and field experience applications support growth in understanding how to adapt instruction for culturally and linguistically diverse learners and well as students with varying abilities including those students with dyslexia.

Note: This course requires a 25-hour field experience at a school approved by Walden University.