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EDUC-1 Courses:
EDUC 6066 - Social Studies: Expanding Students' Worlds

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Through a comprehensive curriculum of current resources and evidence-based practice, teacher candidates delve into key social studies topics beginning with the study of social relationships and the functioning of society. Addressing such questions as: How do people’s unique identities change over time and what factors impact these changes? Teacher candidates then move on to explore how social studies teaching and learning can make a positive difference in the lives of young learners, best practices in social studies teaching, and the role of problem-based learning in effective social studies teaching, which integrates social studies with math, science, technology, the arts, and communication. Emphasizing inquiry-based learning and differentiated instruction, teacher candidates develop a three-lesson social studies unit plan to implement in their field experience setting with the goal of empowering young learners in their future classrooms to become informed,critical thinkers and active citizens in a world that is ever-changing.

Note: This course requires a 25-hour field experience at a school approved by Walden University.